Low growth hormone - Balanced Hormones Clinic

What is Low Growth Hormone?

Low growth hormone, also called growth hormone deficiency (GHD), is a condition where the pituitary gland does not produce enough growth hormone. Growth hormone is a protein-based hormone that stimulates growth, cell reproduction and regeneration. It also plays a role in body composition, body fluids, muscle and bone growth, sugar and fat metabolism, and heart function.

Signs and Symptoms

Some common signs and symptoms of growth hormone deficiency include:

Adults may also experience low libido, erectile dysfunction, anxiety, and depression.


Growth hormone deficiency can be caused by:

It can occur at any age, but most commonly starts in childhood.

Get tested for growth hormone deficiency today.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Growth hormone deficiency is diagnosed through blood tests, often after other potential causes of growth failure have been ruled out.

The main treatment is synthetic growth hormone injections, taken daily. Taking growth hormone can help increase growth in children and improve body composition, bone health, cardiovascular function, and quality of life in both children and adults who are deficient.


With proper treatment, the outlook for most people with growth hormone deficiency is very good. Treatment can correct growth failure in children and reduce symptoms in adults. Lifelong treatment is often required, but consistent hormone replacement helps people maintain normal body function and good health.

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